Exceeding Expectations through Extraordinary Landscapes

Keep Deer Out of Your Yard

You may have noticed that the Maryland deer population is continually on the rise. They may be adorable, but deer can be treacherous to your landscape. They invade yards and take over gardens, destroying the plants and landscape, leaving a trail of wreckage in their wake. Fortunately, deterring deer from your yard is easier than you think. Our experts have several suggestions to keep deer from eating your garden alive.

Just like any other animal, deer need to eat. Planting the wrong plants in your yard – or the right ones, from the deer’s perspective – can inadvertently attract deer, so you will want to be careful which plants you pick as you design your yard. Plants such as red clover and chicory, as well as nuts like chestnuts and acorns are deer favorites. High protein crops, like alfalfa, also generally attract deer.

Alternatively, you can choose plants that deer do not find appetizing. Deer have a heightened sense of smell so most heavily scented flowers should help keep them away. Daffodils, marigolds, sage, lavender or bearded irises are all good choices.

Plant some prickly toxic plants, such as peonies or lamb’s ear. The peonies are poisonous to deer, and they will avoid them. As an added bonus, they will add a lovely pop of color to your yard. The lamb’s ear is fuzzy, and deer don’t like the fuzzy sensation on their tongues. Any other prickly plants that you can find that will be uncomfortable for them to eat will also remove the temptation for them to munch.

If you already have your gardens planted, there are other solutions available. Installing deer netting around the yard or specific plants will keep your hard work safe from hungry deer, while preserving the look of your landscape. Our technicians can also come out to your home and spray your property with deer repellent, which aids in keeping pests away from eating your existing garden.

At Absolute Landscape and Turf Services, we understand that you want a lovely, deer-free yard. For more tips or tricks, click here to ask our experts what more can be done to resolve wildlife issues.